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Credit cards are usually billed within 48 hrs. All prices are plus HST. Residential snow removal starts once 4cm has fallen. Multiple return visits are made during larger storms. Removal of the bank left by city plow is included. Snowblowing is only available within the town of Carleton Place. Each route takes approximately 4 hours to complete. Your location in relation to our yard will determine where you are on the list. Closest houses will be done first. If your driveway has been cleared early in the morning and there is enough snow for the town plows to pass, you may pull your car onto the road so our driver can clear the remainder of the driveway when they come back for the bank left by the town plow. We do NOT offer residential walkway shoveling, salting or sanding. Cancelled contracts are subject to a $50 cancellation fee. Contracts may not be terminated by the purchaser once the season has commenced.

Commercial and residential:

We are not responsible for damage to municipal water shut-off's. The municipality will adjust the height of yours at no charge. Please ensure they are low enough for the snowblower to pass. Turf Pros  reserves the right to cancel any contract without notice, for any reason. Cheques returned non negotiable for any reason will be subject to a $50 nsf charge. Please mark any obstacles such as gardens, interlock, planters, eavstrough, etc. We will not be liable for damage to unmarked obstacles hidden under snow.

Limitation of Liability: The contractor will exercise reasonable care to avoid damage to pavement, curbs, trees and shrubs. However, the contractor is not responsible for any: A) damage to landscaping caused by the piling of snow. B) Damage to items that are snow-covered or not visible. C) Damage caused by equipment when tree, shrub and sidewalk areas are not reasonably delineated due to snow accumulation. D) Personal injuries resulting from slip and fall accidents; and/or E) Acts of God, including but not limited to extraordinary weather conditions.

Indemnification. The owner shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the contractor, its owners, employees and subcontractors from and against any and all claims, damages, reasonable attorneys’ fees, costs and expenses which the contractor incurs as a result of a claim or claims brought by the owner or any third party, arising out of any wrongdoing, negligence and/or breach of contract by the owner alleged or otherwise, or any Act of God, including but not limited to extraordinary weather conditions, that is related, in any manner whatsoever, to the premises or the owner’s involvement with the premises or the services, including but not limited to personal injuries resulting from slip and fall accidents.

Sign up for residential snowblowing by using this form.


We accept e-transfers, Credit cards and cheques.


*You must live within the Carleton Place town limits to receive service.


*Please note: You will not get an immediate receipt.

Payments can take up to 48hrs to be processed.

Only Fill out the form once.